CNG Utility Projects
New Jersey CNG UtilitY Projects
Elizabethtown Gas
The original CNG Station was built-in 1994 and replaced in 2014. We designed and built a Public/Private CNG Station utilizing a Duplex 200 HP system with provisions for a third compressor. We provided expert witnesses for fire code officials with traffic studies to secure planning board approval. Completely refurbished the owner’s existing ASME storage vessels since they had this asset for re-use at the site with 1” stainless tubing feeding the high flow islands. All islands were designed for large trucks requiring high volumes of fuel and traditional vehicles (car, vans, & pick-ups) equipped with card reader systems to authorize fueling via credit card or propriety card/keys.
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Duplex 200 HP system with Provisions for a 3rd Compressor
Includes regen dryer, refurbishment of the owner’s existing ASME storage vessels since they had this asset for re-use at the site with 1” stainless tubing feeding the high flow islands.
First Responder Training
First responders were provided a detailed training session, which involved power point presentation and hands-on overview. This was a condition of the planning board and had over 45 attendees.
First Responder Training
To secure project approval we provided expert witnesses for fire code official, with traffic study at local Planning Board for Building Department approval. First responder training was a contingency of project which included EMS & Fire Department personnel.
Tube Trailer Fueling Island
Provided site upgrades included a separate island & car reader to avoid traffic flow issues.
SJG Turn-Key Public Island with Secured Equipment Compound – Millville, NJ
Public Access CNG Station: we prepared engineering, stormwater provisions, traffic flow studies to secure planning board approvals. This turn-key project included a duplex 265 SCFM, 125 HP compressors, an inlet gas dryer, a storage system, priority control, two dual-hose CRIND dispensers, and a backup generator. We also included all construction services, providing plumbing, electrical, civil trades, supply & install equipment & commissioning. Contracts included working with local engineers to perform site surveys, zoning change, and interaction with the State of New Jersey to approve new curb cuts in a state highway. Note all equipment in a secured area with video cameras. In addition, Air & Gas Technologies was contracted to build two public access quick-fill stations and provide station operation, maintenance, and billing services under a 10-year contract.
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Public Access Duplex CNG Station
Compressor compound in secured portion of the property and fueling available to the public as well as the utility vehicles. Site configured to accommodate the turning radius of the utility’s crew trucks with a connected trailer (backhoe, etc.) or tractor trailer.
Utility Yard Station – Swainton, NJ
2017 Project included the design & turn-key installation of a combination fast & time-fill CNG Station. Equipment provided & installed was 400 SCFM compressor utilizing 215 PSI inlet gas, high-pressure inlet gas dryer with regen package, ¾” priority panel with temperature compensated time-fill & ESD provisions, five time-fill assemblies, dual hose dispenser with a remote post for extended vehicles, card reader system & back-up generator with an automatic transfer switch. Secured approval for new underground electric service & local transformer, including new high-pressure gas line the entire length of the property (@350 feet).
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NJ Natural Gas Utility Yard – Lakewood, NJ
This customer’s requirements had several phases. 2011 was the initial phase to replace a duplex unit from 1995 & design & build a high-volume fast-fill site for a refuse hauler. This involved site development, stormwater provisions, traffic flow studies & design features for future expansion -including a 430 SCFM compressor system, ASME cylinders refurbished, single 5,500 PSI sphere, priority panel, fueling island with dual hose dispenser & card reader, automatic gate access system integrated into card reader system & safety training to the drivers as well as site personnel within this phase.
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Simplex Compressor System – Phase 1 Site Upgrades
Design & build a high-volume fast fill site for a refuse hauler. This involved site development, storm water provisions, traffic flow studies & designs features for future expansion -including a 430 SCFM compressor system, ASME cylinders refurbished, single 5,500 PSI sphere
Safety Training of Refuse Fleet
Dispenser & card reader, automatic gate access system integrated into card reader system & refuse drivers’ safety training. 2013 – Next phase included a custom-packaged (in house) second compressor, modifications to the priority panel (PLC software & mechanical) & software integration for the two compressors to lead-lag-alternate to meet fast fill demand.
Utility’s Fleet Expansion & Time-Fill – Phase 2
Provided a custom-packaged (in house) second compressor to location, modifications to the priority panel (PLC software & mechanical) & software integration for the two compressors to lead-lag-alternate to meet fast fill demand & time-fill.
NJ Natural Gas Utility Yard – Adjacent to Corporate Headquarters – Wall, NJ
The original CNG duplex station built-in 1994 was upgraded in 2011 to a 200 HP integrated compressor system. This project includes Zoning board applications and presentation, upgrades to the electric service, new dryer & dispenser, & integration of the fuel management system with the existing petroleum system. Refurbished existing ASME (4,000 PSI rated) cascade & added new cylinder (5,500 PSI). Priority panel programmed to accommodate low & mid bank 4,000 PSI cylinders and optimize high bank 5,500 PSI cylinder. Site design included all preparations for a future second compressor.

New York CNG UtilitY Projects
Consolidated Edison
Designed & supplied a portable CNG station with natural gas engine drive, onboard dispenser, and buffer system – including FDNY application & approval for use in New York City. This triggered two more stationary CNG stations with engine drive & integrated priority-sequencing panels & connections for the portable unit – for the New York Metropolitan area.
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Mobile CNG Station
This FDNY approved unit was designed for a stand alone system as well as a back-up to stationary CNG stations. This was triggered as a result of Hurricane Sandy & has proven to be a significant asset for the utility.
Delaware CNG Utility Projects
Chesapeake Utilities – Dover, DE
We designed and installed a duplex 2,500 SCFM Public access CNG station on a 350-psi gas main with 37 ft ASME cylinders, priority panel, two duplex dispensers, and a 3rd dispenser specifically for tube trailer fueling (virtual pipeline). We complied with all local and Delaware State applications to secure final approvals. The success of this project stimulated the design and installation of a utility yard time-fill and small cascade system at their satellite location while repurposing their ASME cylinders.
Norwich Public Utilities – Norwich, CT
2003 initiated our relationship with this utility, which involved developing a plan to support a public access CNG Station for a local CNG school bus program. It was challenging to secure railroad approval to tunnel under their tracks to an area outside the utility’s secured yard. Note the public fueling island versus the ASME storage at a lower elevation in this photo, as railroad tracks separate them. Nevertheless, the project was highly successful for its intended purpose of supplying the school district and other small fleets to seed the market.
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Path of Underground Stainless from Utility Yard to Public Fueling Island
Required railroad commission approval to tunnel under their tracks from utility yard to public island
Tubing Burst Test- provided to the railroad commission – 4 to 1 safety factor
This photo is part of the documentation provided to the railroad commission to substantiate the integrity of the stainless tubing and its 4 to 1 safety factor – tubing’s design pressure is 5,100 PSI & actual burst pressure was 23,500 PSI.
New Valve Panel & PLC
We designed and installed a new Allen Bradley PLC & respective software to operate the existing compressor, with provision for a 2nd future compressor including lead-lag-alternation protocol to allow for equal hours of operation. Additionally, this PLC provided parameters for the new priority panel which supported the private fueling and public fueling areas, plus ESD shutdown.
Southern Connecticut Gas – Orange, CT
2012 upgraded an existing small vehicle fleet application. This included removal of the current & installing a new unit with remote communication capability, priority valve panel with temperature compensated time-fill & card reader – including all site work, plumbing & electrical.
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Pennsylvania CNG Utility Projects
Philadelphia Gas Works – Philadelphia, PA
1997 to Present, we have provided repair services for various utilities, including emergency calls, upgrades to card reader system, compressor rebuilds, PLC replacements including software upgrades, new dispensers & respective nozzle-hose assemblies, and back-up generators with automatic transfer switches.
2014 Designed & provided a turn-key installation of a small vehicle 5 position time-fill system with a manual cascade fast-fill assembly. The compressor system was fully refurbished with upgraded controls & components. This allowed the customer a cost-effective venue to implement an alternative program at one of their sites.

Refurbished Compressor System
UGI – Bethlehem Yard
2014 Designed & provided a turn-key installation of a small vehicle five-position time-fill system with a manual cascade fast-fill assembly. In addition, the compressor system was fully refurbished with upgraded controls & components. This allowed the customer a cost-effective venue to implement an alternative program at one of their sites.
This model became so successful that the customer repeated the configuration at two additional locations with an inlet dryer & a second phase, including backup generators with automatic transfer switches.

Duplex Compressor System, with Refurbished ASME’s & Fast-Fill Island
UGI – Archblad Yard
The original CNG Station built in 1994 was replaced in 2014. We designed and built a Public/Private CNG Station utilizing a Duplex 200 HP system with provisions for a third compressor. They provided expert witnesses for fire code officials with traffic studies to secure planning board approval. Completely refurbished the owner’s existing ASME storage vessels since they had this asset for re-use at the site with 1” stainless tubing feeding the high flow islands. All islands are designed for large trucks requiring high volumes of fuel and traditional vehicles (car, vans, & pick-ups) equipped with card reader systems to authorize fueling via credit card or propriety card/keys.
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UGI – Wilkes Barre Yard
This location was challenging due to the existing non-conforming structure with the previous CNG system. Therefore, we filed for a site inspection by the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) to verify our approach was compliant by installing a metal containment wall with ventilation as an acceptable approach. An interesting aspect about this site is that it initially provided staging to load coal onto rail cars – therefore, the overhead metal assembly. Here are some photos before & after.
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Previous Unit on Platform open to Storage Area with Non-Classified Wiring & Ventilation Issues
The existing installation also had trip hazards with conduits & piping on grade & wooden 2nd floor walkway.
Previous Unit on Platform open to Storage Area with Non-Classified Wiring & Ventilation Issues-2
The existing installation also had trip hazards with conduits & piping on grade & wooden 2nd floor walkway.